Business Reception for our partners in Austria
October 24th 2023
Over 200 representatives of our business partners from Austria have gathered in the Port of Koper event, held in magnificent Natural History Museum in Vienna.
We are grateful for so many excellent connections, business partners and opportunities for mutual development and growth and look forward to cooperating with our esteemed partners in the future.
Thank you for joining us at the event and for creating such great results together with Port of Koper and our port community.
Port of Koper Team
Sprejem poslovnih strank v Avstriji
24. oktobra smo na Dunaju v čudovitem ambientu Naravoslovnega muzeja sprejeli preko 200 predstavnikov različnih podjetij v naši branži v Avstriji. Dogodek je odlično uspel, mreženje in utrjevanje poslovnih vezi ter sklepanje novih poznanstev pa je teklo dolgo v noč.
Veseli in počaščeni smo, da imamo v Avstriji toliko dobrih povezav in da jih še krepijo naši skupni uspehi.
Hvala vsem, ki ste bili z nami.
Ekipa Luke Koper